Putting Wild on the Menu – Spring Forage Season is Well Underway

Mother Nature’s been fickle this spring with rain & shine, hot & cold temps and everything else in between. However, she’s finally provided some Forest Treasure including, fiddleheads, fiddleheads, fiddleheads on every plate!

Mom Nature’s stinging nettle from the Duck Mountain area is back on the menu, shoring up an exquisite new pickerel entree with fresh pearly white fish from the Olson Fish Hus in Gimli, Man!

Chef Lorna continues the creative rapture by infusing wild violet flowers into a dream-like sweet that will have you Druids chanting for more.

The King of Wildland Foods, David Beer, our professional forager friend from San Clara, informs me that the Mother (Nature’s) lode of morel mushrooms will be gracing tables as early as next week!

Please don’t wait to book a pilgrimage to our Academy Road Temple of Manitoba Cuisine. These fresh Forest Treasures won’t last forever!

PS If you miss the boat, don’t worry. In keeping with prairie pioneer tradition, Chef Lorna is pickling, drying, blanching & freezing an assortment of spring forage for use throughout the coming seasons.

The flavour of Freshness.
We purchase raw ingredients direct from local producers, fisher-folk & foragers.